Sunday, September 7, 2014

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished or Mississpeeerunningdownurleg

Been out of town for a few days,s o,kay maybe more thana few days. I needed to get away from Sir Sirloin after he broke my heart, a tale for another day. Been visiting an old friend from jail/rehab high school. Lynette was an old rehab roommate high school friend that lives over in Arkaphilldelphia, Mississippi and had got herself in a spot of trouble.

She'd been living with and taking advantage care of her elderly stepfather, giving him his medicine  and giving him tlc while taking his happy pills and moolah. Her step daddy Timmy had been really going down hill and when she rebroke her bad ankle again she called me up and offered me a luxury airline ticket seat on the Grayhound bus, to get down here and help her care for him. With her ankle the way it is she couldn't turn him in the bed so I came right to her rescue.

Lynette remembered all the first aid classes and particular, errr, practical nursing classes we took together in our old reformatory high school and thought I might want to help her.

We've beein in contact since the high school reuinion on Facebook.

I was glad to go because I always enjoyed Mississippi. Oh, the barbeque places and fried chicken shacks and juke joints way back in the woods! The casinos on the Gulf!

Timmy seemed sweet, when he wasn't completely out of it with dementia, helping Lynetter with him was a breeze and left us lots of time to catch up. Unleast until he up and died a week after I arrived. His three sons and four daughters came down on Lynette like a ton of shit bricks. The day after the ambo hauled him away those ungrateful skeleton whore daughters of his had all the utilities cut off. You try staying in a doublewide in the South Missiissppi heat of late August. Makes me sweat worse than a whore in a Pentacostal revival.

Thery served Lynetter with an eviction notice too. With her broken ankle I had to drive us all around before finding her a apartment swanky downtown Dewdrop, Mississippi! The only problem we had was shifting all her shit over to the new place. What with both of us riding Rascals it was hard to get the furniture loaded on the Uhaul and out at her apartment. We even had a couple of Rascal collissions and on the last load, when we started back to her truck Lynette lost her balance an fell off her Rascal. I didn't see her in time, I was busy rubbernecking at two hot studs that kept staring at my womanly all natural curses. I ran over her broken ankle with my Rascal!

Boy, was Lynette pissed off when I was done and she was in the ER. They did surgery on her leg and now I gotta stay and nurse her for awhile. She keeps screaming that someone is stealing her Oxycodone but hasn't noticed that someone just switched them out with sweettart candies instead.

Timmy's family keeps nattering at her that they know she robbed him of all the jewelry, cash and coins in the safe and she keeps telling them she doesn't know what they're taking about. I have the stuff all stashed with the Oxys. Mama gotta get paid some way. Leaving for home soon.

Sir Sirloin if you're readin this, fuck you!